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Artwork details

Artwork title
Manoussi Ioanna Tzeni (1897-1976)
George I. Katsigras Collection
Main colors
Short description
Landscape with trees
Oil on hardboard
14 x 20 cm

Municipality of Larissa

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RightarrowMunicipality of Larissa


A mountainous variform landscape is led with alternations from the first level to the depth, where a settlement with its red roofs has been attributed faintly, on the top of a hill.On the first level, paths between the grassy ground and various types of trees,are mixed up with each other, thanks to a very free drawing way.The transition from the first level to the background happens with a zone from the top of the cypresses. Their dark green colour comes contrary to the light tones of the first level, while at the same time, it contributes to the clearer outlining of the settlement behind.

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