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Scene from the childhood of Christ (the «Spiritual Wedding» of Saint Catherine)

Artwork details

Artwork title
Scene from the childhood of Christ (the «Spiritual Wedding» of Saint Catherine)
Prossalendis Pavlos (1857-1894)
George I. Katsigras Collection
Main colors
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Religious issue
Oil on Canvas
31.5 x 17 cm

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The scene is taking place in a semi-circular architectural framework, as betrays the pillar that supports the arched portico at the bottom left and the wall to the right. It shows four women's figures, Saint Catherine seated on the right, two Saints standing to the left with the one of them keeping a baby and the other bearing the symbols of martyrdom and finally the Virgin Mary seated on a gold cloud in prayer position . An angel is behind of the figure of Virgin Mary. The St Catherine holds a cross lasted in a chain and at her legs there are flowers, symbol of chastity. The figures wear western clothing which is explained by the inspiration of the painter by the Italian Mannerism. The composition of the painting is pyramidal and the dominant colors are white, gold, red, blue and green.

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