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Portrait of Chryssi Katsiasoglou

Artwork details

Artwork title
Portrait of Chryssi Katsiasoglou
Zographos Zacharias (1810-1853)
Artwork date
George I. Katsigras Collection
Main colors
Dark brown
Short description
Female figure
Oil on Canvas
72,5 x 47,5 cm

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This is the first piece of art acquired by George Katsigras. It was a gift from his aunt, Anna, for his marriage in 1946. It pictures his grandmother, Chryssi Katsiasoglou, who was born in 1820 in Philipoupoli. She is depicted almost from the front and her look "meets" the viewer's look. The figure features have been attributed completely generalized by the painter. The inexpressiveness of the face offsets the masterpiece depiction of the garment and especially of the headband. The wealth of decorative motifs in scarf and dress has been reflected with miniature detail and special emphasis has also been given to the display of jewels: earrings, bracelet and rings. The expressive idiom of the artist combines elements of Western European and of the post Byzantium pictorial tradition.

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