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A house in Pileio

Artwork details

Artwork title
A house in Pileio
Papaioannou Yiannis (1919-1999)
George I. Katsigras Collection
Main colors
White brown
Short description
Exterior of a house
A house in Pileio
Oil on hardboard
20,5 x 15 cm

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A completed sample of traditional architecture in Pileio becomes the central subject of this simple composition that, as for the use of colour, reminds the painting of Cezanne.The house with the characteristics rises tall and is surrounded by a wooden hedge that creates internally a courtyard with a bloomed and dry tree.In front of the hedge, contrary to the imposing volume of the house, we can barely observe a small feminine form walking loaded and bending. Thus perhaps with a discreet, symbolic way the dimension of hard rural life with the life that the rich mansions of Pilion represented is given.

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