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German Occupation of Greece

Artwork details

Artwork title
German Occupation of Greece
Papaioannou Yiannis (1919-1999)
George I. Katsigras Collection
Main colors
Short description
Woman and children during the occupation
Oil on hardboard
38 x 48 cm

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RightarrowMunicipality of Larissa


Front from a wall with the sign "LONG LIVE FREEDOM", a old woman woman in profileis searching for food in the garbage, while behind the two pestered small children who are also searching for food in the ground.A dog is also with these human figures and it is emaciated from the hunger ].The subject, as the title as well, refer to the inhuman conditions of existence and to the malnutrition, mainly in the cities, during German Occupation of Greece, However , the message is diachronic and universal and is related with thesuffering of war].Last , the raw realism of the theme becomes more intense with the sovereignty of grey tones, that are placed however in alternation with rosy expressionistic.

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