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The Judgement of Paris

Artwork details

Artwork title
The Judgement of Paris
/gallery/en/artist/iakovidis-georgios (1853-1932)
George I. Katsigras Collection
Main colors
Brown, white
Short description
Mythological theme
The offer of an apple by Paris to Aphrodite
Oil on canvas mounted on cardboard
21.5 x 35 cm

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"Crisis of Paris", a project of Iakovidis, has been worked in four variants. Probably it was designed at the beginning of the decade of 1880, during his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. The graphic depiction of a well-known episode from the ancient Greek mythology marks the artist's preference for issues related to the glorious past of his homeland. The forms are depicted generalized, without any particular personality characteristics, while the rough indicated color processing creates the impression that this is probably a preliminary work of a bigger project that never had been completed.

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