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Artwork details

Artwork title
Xydias - Typaldos Nikolaos (1828-1909)
George I. Katsigras Collection
Main colors
Dark brown
Short description
Study of manners and culture
Yard with horses
Oil on Canvas
31 x 47, 5 cm

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The issue is placed in the courtyard as it's indicated by the facade of the building and the wall that rises in deep left. On the right side of the first instance, a tree trunk placed on the lateral axis, introduces the viewer in the center of the table, where the central composition is represented. From right to left, in front of the main entrance of the building, two horses are pictured; a brown and a white. Two forms of male domains, one sitting and one stooping, shoe a white horse while on the left side, with filmed back to the viewer another male form has been placed on a brown horse and a female on foot stands beside him. In the left background are depicted another trunk and the wall which demarcate the scene. The synthesis is positioned diagonally and the prospect is opened at the bottom left. The illustration is limited to what is necessary with no attention in detail. The colour is mostly dark brown and white while the form stooping along with the farrier at the center, is dressed in blue shades highlighting the contrast.

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