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Dead Nature

Artwork details

Artwork title
Dead Nature
Polykandriotis Antonis (1904-1990)
Artwork date
George I. Katsigras Collection
Main colors
Short description
Dead nature
Platter with fish, small jug and fruit
Oil on Canvas
44 x 66 cm

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On a table, set with a tablecloth, they a dish with fishes has been placed, further behind a vase andon the left some pears. The development of the composition is frontal, since the all subjects are assembled on the first plan, that is vague and even. In the limited chromatic scale the tones of brown and green dominate, while the white points of the foldings of the tablecloth function as a carrier of light. In the frame of impressionistic formulations the artist uses here an abridged writing of fast strokes and interrupted outlines, that allow the presentation of patterns as independent plastic values.

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