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Biblical landscape

Artwork details

Artwork title
Biblical landscape
Sikeliotis Giorgos (1917-1984)
Artwork date
George I. Katsigras Collection
Main colors
Short description
View of the capital of an island
49 x 34 cm

Municipality of Larissa

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RightarrowMunicipality of Larissa


One still depiction of structured space from on some island of the Aegean. It is about a wide view, that is developed ascendantly based on diagonal axes. At length of helical paths the formes of houses are regulated rectangualar and and static . all patterns obey to the command of tectonic organisation of figurative surface, but are attributed levels, without trace of shading. Particular interest has the dynamic role of lines, whilethey get thinner downwards and they thicken constantly, while they are turned to all directions. Sometimes straight black lines of same thickness and other times more curved ones or sidelong linear shapings thicken and fill the levels on the walls, the roofs and the ground.

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